Hiring the best data talent should not be rocket science.
Drowning in Data?
Don't know where to Start?
Specialized verticals - including e-commerce, consumer, product-led B2B and retail. Skip the ramp-up time with someone who already gets it.
Vetted data professionals from unicorn, FAANG tier companies in both the US & abroad.
Questions? Shoot us a note,
we're here to help.
What does ‘top tier talent’ mean?
Exactly what it sounds like! The cream of the crop, the pick of the litter! We have a roster of top-tier data talent for both full-time and part-time/contract work.
They've done it all before, so it's easier to get started in the future.
How rigorous is your vetting process?
Our vetting process is as extensive as it is intensive. It includes technical testing and interviews —everything down to their choice in tabs vs. spaces.
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